Being in Musicology

This day, ten years ago, I was finishing the first school year of my Licentiate Degree in Music, variant Musicology at the Music Department (later organised in the School of Arts) of the University of Évora.

I studied in UÉ until 2011, finishing my Licentiate Degree in that year. Then, in September 2012 I began my Master Degree at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of New University of Lisbon. I was in my second year when I was invited to speak about my work and thesis for a web podcast. This brief (1:38) interview is in Portuguese but it is basically centred on the subject of my thesis: three parody-masses by Portuguese composer Duarte Lobo based on motets by Francisco Guerrero. I also speak of the Évora Cathedral polyphonic musica of the first half of the seventeenth century, frequently referred as to being outdated when compared to the rest of Baroque Europe, and the preference of this stile antico repertoire in Évora. It was one of the factors that made me study this music.

I found a few videos by well-known musicologists (for certain, very well-known when compared to me) who talk [in English] about their research experiences and how they became musicologist. In general there is always some important moment or circumstance that throws oneself to study it, as it happens in other research fields.