Book Chapter on 18th-Century Polyphony from Évora Cathedral

I have published the chapter “Continuidade do repertório polifónico na Catedral de Évora no século XVIII” in the book Escola de Música da Sé de Évora – Conferências, edited by Eborae Mvsica and published in late 2019, as the gathering of several conferences given at the International Workshop “Évora Cathedral Music School” from 2006-2019.

In this chapter I examined several choirbooks copied in the eighteenth century for use at Évora Cathedral that combine the works of early-seventeenth-century composers such as Fr. Manuel Cardoso, with late-seventeenth-composers such as Diogo Dias Melgaz or João Lourenço Rebelo with mid- and late-eighteenth-composers active at the Cathedral such as Francisco José Perdigão or Miguel Anjo do Amaral as practisers of stile antico writting in the way of the early-seventeenth-century style.

Below is the download link for the pdf file from the Humanities Commons CORE, and also a YouTube playlist for several of these eighteenth-century compositions with an example of Francisco José Perdigão’s Advent motet Cum audisset Joannes. The recordings were made by Grupo Vocal Olisipo, dir. Armando Possante, with whom I’m collaborating in reviving this repertoire.


Playlist of some of the works