Visit to 18th-Century Music Manuscripts of Évora Cathedral

Visit to 18th-Century Music Manuscripts of Évora Cathedral

Ao Encontro do Património

Luís Henriques

Os Manuscritos Musicais Setecentistas do Arquivo Musical da Sé de Évora

Sé de Évora, 19 de Novembro 2021, 15h00

Next Friday, 19 November, 15h00, I will be given a tour in Évora Cathedral with several examples from the musical manuscripts of the Cathedral music archive. These will feature works by local composers and several others by international composers whose music was often used in the Cathedral chapel.

The session will take place at the Chapter room, but a visit to the high-choir is also planned. This tour is part of the cycle “Ao Encontro do Património” (Meeting the Heritage) which is organized by the Inventário da Arquidiocese de Évora.