Edition of Filipe de Magalhães’ Magnificat Sexti Toni

It has now been published at the repository the edition of Portuguese composer Filipe de Magalhães’ Magnificat Sexti Toni [odd verses]. The work for four voices is available for download in full and is part of the series published by Canto Mensurable editions in open access.

Magalhães (c.1571-1652) was a choirboy at the Évora Cathedral Choirboys School in the last decades of the sixteenth century, becoming a singer in the Cathedral Chapel and later Master of the Claustra. By early seventeenth century he moved to Lisbon as a singer in the Portuguese Royal Chapel where he later became chapel master, a post he retained until his retirement in the 1640s. In 1636 he published two books of sacred vocal polyphony, both printed at the Lisbon Craesbeeck workshop. The first was his Liber Missarum and the second comprised a collection of sixteen Magnificat settings in the eight tones for odd and even verses. It has been rare to find modern editions of these settings and the present edition is given in open access in order to promote a better dissemination of the work. Hopefully another setting (Primi Toni) will be made available soon.

Download of the edition is available at the University of Évora scientific repository