IV International Historical Soundscapes Conference in Évora

IV International Historical Soundscapes Conference in Évora

The fourth edition of the International Conference on historical soundscapes titled “Rethinking Soundscapes: Traditions, Communities and Heritage” will take place at the School of Arts of the University of Évora next 27-29 November. The event is organised by the the University of Évora’s branch of the Centre for Studies in Sociology and Musical Aesthetics (CESEM) together with the Music Department of the School of Arts of the University of Évora, as part of the IN2PAST Associated Laboratory. It coincides with the 4th Meeting of the ICTMD National Committee – Portugal, with partnership of the Institute of Ethnomusicology – Centre for Studies in Music and Dance (INET-md).

The conference programme was made available recently (can be found here). The three-day panels comprise a very wide range of themes ranging from the 16th century to the contemporaneity, with presentations strongly focusing on traditional and contemporary music.

I’m part of the conference’s scientific committee and organising committee, although I’ve been more active in the first role.