This pages lists links to people of the Musicology and Music world, Groups, Institutions and other people from the History & Cultural Heritage world I follow.
- eines de musicologia – blog of Spanish musicologist Ferran Escrivà-Llorca
- Paisajes Sonoros Históricos, c.1200-c.1800 – Historical soundscapes project developed by Juan Ruiz Jiménez
- Urban Musics – Project developed by Tess Knighton
- Ensemble Bonne Corde – Portuguese ensemble directed by Diana Vinagre
- Grupo Vocal Olisipo – Portuguese vocal group directed by Armando Possante
- officium ensemble – Portuguese vocal group directed by Pedro Teixeira
- Ana Laura Iglesias (Public speker, Cellist)
- Delia Agúndez (Singer)
- Lucia Veintimilla (Violinist)
- Marta Espinós (Pianist)
- MPMP – Património Musical Vivo (Association the promotes Portuguese and Lusophone music)
- Jornadas Internacionais “Escola de Música da Sé de Évora” (Official page of the oldest Portuguese early music festival that takes place in October in Évora focusing on the polyphony of its Cathedral).