VIII Residência Cisterciense S. Bento de Cástris

VIII Residência Cisterciense S. Bento de Cástris

VIII Residência Cisterciense S. Bento de Cástris

Online (ZOOM platform) – 18 September 2020 – 15:00-18:00

This year’s edition of the Cistercian Residency for the Monastery of São Bento de Cástris (on the outskirts of Évora) will take place in the ZOOM platform due to the constraints of the COVID-19. This year we celebrate eight years of this event, established in the Évora region as one of the most important manifestations of this kind regarding the history of feminine monastic life throughout the centuries. For the first year the event will be globally available through the internet and the number of conferences was reduced to four that will take place in one afternoon.


Conference 1 Luisa Morales: “Para la casa y para la iglesia”: Espacios sonoros en el monasterio femenino de San Pedro de las Dueñas (León, España)

Conference 2 Rosana Marreco Brescia: Mulieres in Ecclesiis Taceant? Monjas, Música e Teatro nos conventos femininos da América portuguesa no século XVIII

Conference 3 Mário Pereira: [Title to be confirmed]

Conference 4 Antónia Fialho Conde/Rodrigo Teodoro de Paula: Música e outros sons no espaço monástico eborense: o projeto PASEV


This year I’m part of the Scientific Committee and not of the Organizing Committee as has been the case in earlier editions.