Edition of two Psalm Settings by Francisco Martins
There is now available the edition I prepared for the Polyphonia series of Edições MPMP comprising two psalm settings by Portuguese composer Francisco Martins (c.1617-1680).
There is now available the edition I prepared for the Polyphonia series of Edições MPMP comprising two psalm settings by Portuguese composer Francisco Martins (c.1617-1680).
This is another episode of the project Early Music Sources. This episode is dedicated to the Romanesca, one of the most widely known bass sequences in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
In 2014 I transcribed the two surviving parts – the altus secundus and the bassus – of Portuguese King D. João IV’s 6-voice motet Anima mea turbata est as an exercise in order to understand if it was possible to reconstruct the remaining four voices from …
The Barca di Venezia per Padova (The Boat from Venice to Padua) by Adriano Banchieri is a set of what we can call comedy madrigals for five voices (SSATB) which is basically a boat journey from Venice to Padua during which several …
One of the first editions I prepared for the Polyphonia series of the Editions MPMP in late 2012 was the collection of responsories for Christmas matins by composer Estêvão Lopes Morago which make the number 6 of this series.
Gregorio Allegri’s (c.1582-1652) Miserere, mei Deus is without any doubt the most mystical work of sacred vocal polyphony of the Catholic world for its association with the musical practices in the Sistine Chapel. Together with Palestrina’s Missa Papae Marcelli it …
Photo from my presentation at the CESEM/UÉvora Conferences in Music and Musicology, where I talked about Diogo Dias Melgaz’s beautiful motet Memento homo.
Next October 31st (Sala dos Espelhos, Colégio Mateus d’Aranda, 14h00) I will give a brief presentation on one of the works by Diogo Dias Melgaz, the four-voice a capella motet Memento homo, for Ash Wednesday.
When one speaks of water and music, in most cases, the first association is, naturally, the Wassermusik suites by Georg F. Handel. Indeed these works have established themselves as canonic in instrumental music repertoire of Western music. But there are many other …
Many times, I’m asked to give some advice on something related to my work, which I gladly do without thinking twice about it. That must be common to all historians and researchers and, in my case, I’m very happy to …